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Frequently Asked Questions

The batteries typically last from a week to month depending on the weather conditions and the availability of a complementary solar cell.

SURVIOT sends notifications and alerts on 4 severity levels (info, warning, error, critical). All notifications can be configured to be sent on any channel we use. Notifications are sent for example about the missed measurements, erroneous sensors, the system itself and most importanly about your processed structural health data.

Currently we send messages by SMS, email, WhatsApp. Let us know if you have other communication channels like Ms Teams for example that would be more suitable for you.

We and our customers like self service a lot. You can set measurement intervals, notification thresholds, severity levels, channels, colors etc. You can assign these privileges to groups of users to target most appropriate stakeholders.

Absolutely! You define your sensor configuration on the SURVIOT GUI then install your sensor and power it up. The POD will update its firmware first if a new version is available. Then downloads its configuration including sensor type, measurement times. This cycle is done every time the POD powers up so remote configuration is completely automatic. During measurement cycles the POD constantly gives information about its condition (e.g. battery level) also.

SURVIOT can monitor physical parameters of a structure and its environment. It can monitor tilting of buildings, or supporting walls, tensions in a structure, consolidation (movement) of a surface or an earthwork, water levels in a well, weather conditions etc. Basically any sensor can be hooked either through our own SURVIOT POD logger system or through other data connection available. SURVIOT processes the sensor data as needed and presents all information on an integrated view.

No. SURVIOT helps engineering decision making by providing timely, processed information on the appropriate channels.

Basically any type of structure can be monitored for structural health during construction or operation. We think SURVIOT is most suitable for tunnels, bridges, larger buildings, dams, dikes and for open pit quarry walls.

It means we can connect to any sensor which can emit digital signal. We can either hook it up through our data logger POD wiring the sensor to it using RS485 or ModBUS, or use the sensors own way to deliver data into the cloud.

SURVIOT PODs are available for sale or lease depending on your situtation. SURVIOT software is marketed mainly as a cloud service, however, on-premise installations are also possible when your project justifies it.

Of course! Sensors will give you oversight of the structural health of your building no matter when it was built.

We think SURVIOT reduces cost of field personnel. You don’t need an engineer to change batteries in a POD! SURVIOT saves time by facilitiating multidisciplinary communication and provide timely data to field engineers, controllers, to the customer themselves or to other stakeholders like property owners in the surroundings of a construction. And so far we have not talked about avoided human injuries, loss of lives and damages in property. SURVIOT monitors your project around the clock saving engineering hours every day.

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ISO 9001:2015

Management Systems – Quality Management Systems Scheme ISO 9001:2015 ✅

We are delighted to share that SURVIOT Monitoring Kft. has been awarded the ISO9001:2015 certification. It has been a six-month long journey of introducing quality management in our organisation’s workflows and procedures.

The certificate also indicates our commitment to continually improve our services to our partners and clients.